Decided to go to Spruce Run last night with the little guys and my wife. We had the boat and got on the lake about 6pm. Usually always go to RV but I had a pretty good summer evening/night last year so what the heck.

Long story short. My first ever absolute skunk from the boat in freshwater. We saw massive amounts of herring but the predators were nowhere to be found. We tried herring/shiners/worms. I even brought some chicken livers for the catfish and nothing.

Anyone know Spruce Run well? I go there rarely and would love to understand it a bit better. I heard from a friend that in the summer there is a lot less oxygen in deeper water so I should stay in 15ft or above. I was targeting between 15-20ft mainly and also some edges near the beach where the water is that range near the shore.

Nothing beats putting in lots of time on the water but with the kids on board it is tough when they have no fish to keep them entertained.