I hope this is okay to post here. If not my apologies and I will remove.

For the last 15 years my Dad has been an active participant in the “Boston Marathon--Jimmy Fund Walk”. Unfortunately my Dad will be unable to participate this year as he has in the past. But I am happy to say that the legacy he started will be continued by his family. Myself, along with my 2 sisters, my wife and our kids, nieces and nephews are stepping up and taking his place. We have formed a team called “TEAM SPIRIT” and we are looking for sponsors to help us reach our goals. By sponsoring us you will be contributing directly to the Jimmy Fund and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. The Institute is a leading pioneer in developing and implementing innovative and effective cancer therapies for children and adults. Virtually 100% of all monies raised goes directly to Dana Farber and cancer research. Great strides have been made in recent years and with continued research it is possible that within our lifetime we could see cures developed for this dreaded disease in all its forms.

I have seen the devastating effects cancer can have on its victims and their families and loved ones. My grandmother succumbed to throat cancer at the young age of 57. My grandfather to lung cancer which took him slowly and piece by piece. First an arm, then 2 years later a leg, and then a year later he passed away. My mom is a survivor of thyroid cancer from which she has made a complete recovery. My Dad has had skin cancer which has not re-occurred thankfully. There are too many people to list but I have seen many friends and families affected with various forms of cancer. At some point in our lives all of us have been, or will be, affected by cancer. Cancer has no prejudice. It attacks infants, teens, adults and seniors, all races, religions and sexes. It does not care if the economy is weak or strong or whether you are rich or poor.

So, on Sept 12th my family and I will join thousands of others and walk the Boston Marathon route from Hopkinton to Boston, 26.2 miles. We do this in memory and honor of our own loved ones and to support those who are currently battling to survive. I am asking you to support me in this endeavor by making a donation to the Jimmy Fund. All donations should be made payable to “The Jimmy Fund” or “BMJFW” (Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk) and mail them to me at...PM me for the mailing address. OR you can go to this link online


This link you can copy and paste into your computer’s browser and it will take you directly to the “TEAM SPIRIT” page where you can then click on my name and make a donation in any amount. If you send the check to me make sure to include your name and address so that I can send you my follow up letter detailing the events happenings. My individual goal is to raise at least $2,500.

For you guys that know me you know I am not the picture of health. I am a 50 year old overweight father of 4 and a grandfather. This will be a huge undertaking for me but one that I am committed to do. For those that know me you know that when I commit to do something then I go in all the way. As my good friend Ed would say I don't do anything "half-assed".

I started my training for this last night. I walked 6 miles in approx 2 hours. This morning I was pretty sore. Tonight will be a lighter walk going 3 miles. This will be my training regimen for the next 5 weeks and trying to gradually build up my distances. At this pace it will take me approx 9 hours to complete this walk, plus any other time added to stop for bathroom breaks, etc.

To show my seriousness I will offer up an Al Gags 3 oz 7" Sea Special ( pic below ) to any SnA member who donates $50 or more. Please make sure to include your SnA member name in the memo section of your check so that I can put your name in the hat. The day after the walk I will put all the donors names into a hat and pull a winner. For every $10 above the initial $50 minimum I will give you an additional name in the hat. ( Example $50 = 1 chance, $60 = 2 chances, $70 = 3, etc ). If you make your donation through the online mechanism please pm me your info so that I can include you.

Additionally if you would like me to include your loved one in my walk please send me a picture with their name and/or a letter detailing their experience. I will be carrying all of these with me for inspiration and to honor them. It is through their strength and courage that I will be drawing upon to complete this daunting task. Please do not send me cash, checks only. And of course if any of you would like to participate I would love to have you join me for the walk

I wish I had some things to auction but my collection is very small and limited. If this site would let me I would like to auction off donated items if any one would prefer to donate items rather than money, but I don't want to overstep my welcome here.

Thanks for reading this lengthy post and for considering making a donation to a very worthwhile cause.

Tight Lines