Hookedonbass, the pedal yak is one of the best investments I ever made. I did my time with a paddle, and will still use it when I take the cheap tandem out for Pebbles and I to fish together.

However, there is nothing in the industry today like the efficiency one gains in a pedal yak. I have been moving against current and wind with ease, and the strong tide no longer intimidates my choice of fishing location. It's an amazing feeling.

I got a sweet deal on my kayak. A lot of the issues buying a Hobie are financial. You can get deals if you're patient and diligent in searching. The Hobies retain a lot of their value, so it's harder to find them during the peak season.

Moving past all that, the freedom to go where you want, not be constrained by current, and the ability to move quickly if a big boat comes your way and you need that speed, IMO nothing comes close to a Hobie.

As I said, I'll still use the budget yak for doubles, and when anyone wants to come along. I'm completely sold on the pedal system and it's efficiency.

Freedom and peace of mind, that's the best way I can sum it up.