Sent in by Finchaser, thanks!

Stripers Forever members - follow this link to the Stripers Forever website and read the attached PDF article from the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association newsletter " Poacher Nabbed by RIDEM Enforcement", it shows that the illegal harvest of striped bass is not confined to the Chesapeake Bay region - see page 2 of the article. Just imagine how many fish this guy must have taken illegally over the years. How likely do you think it is that this guy reported all these fish legally back in MA so that he could pay the taxes on that income? How many of the 75% of so-called commercial striped bass fishermen in MA who report no landings at all do exactly this same thing? Stripers Forever has long maintained that it is not only the reported legal commercial landings of striped bass that are contributing significantly to the decline of the fishery. The cash market for wild striped bass facilitates the illegal commercial harvest and subsequent sale to restaurants and unscrupulous fish dealers. Do you think that many black ducks, whitetail deer or brook trout are being sold this way? Of course not, and because it is illegal to kill these creatures for the commercial market there is no legal path to shroud an illegal harvest.

The solution to this problem will not come simply from enforcing existing laws. The entire culture of striped bass management must change from one focused solely on harvest levels to management for the great quality of fishing that we had 10 or 15 years ago, before commercial quotas were ratcheted up. We've gone from a catch and release/small bag limit orientation, back to the free-for-all mentality that wiped out stripers 35 years ago. Following the example of many other wildlife species, an excellent recreational fishery for striped bass is not compatible with commercial fishing for this species. To maximize the value of this resource to the public, striped bass need to become game fish in every jurisdiction throughout their range.

Stripers Forever will be back at it this winter on Beacon Hill, MA and fighting for striped bass game fish wherever we can find the opening to pursue it. We need the support of every member, and we need every member that we can get. Please e-mail your friends today, send them to Tell them to select Become A Member at the top of the page, and take 60 seconds to join. As always, it's free.

Brad Burns, President of Stripers Forever