That was a great story. Dark you should put it in the story of the month thread.

Here are some of mine -

When I was growing up, my Dad took us out on his boat to fish Barnegat Bay. I didn't know a lot about fishing then but it seemed we always caught fish. We would go out to the channels and the sedges, and drift with bait, or anchor up. There was one day of many that stands out in my mind. We started before sunrise. We caught weakies and one small striper near the sedges by chumming grass shrimp. We had about 5 quarts of grass shrimp. As long as we chummed those shrimp, the weakies kept hitting. I think the biggest one was about 3lbs. And now they call them the ghost fish, when was the last time you can remember catching weakies in the bay? I can't.

Then once the sun came up, we moved around and found some tailor blues, They were gorging on spearing. We tossed out small ava jigs and caught about 50 of them! What a great time we had.

Later in the afternoon, we started drifting for fluke with squid and spearing. The fluke we got weren't big, but they made up for it in quantity. It seemed like every drift we got a fluke to bite! And the blowfish, does anyone remember blowfish? We would bring them in, and rub their bellies so they would puff up. We didn't know you could eat them back then so we always threw them back. They taste just like chicken, you know.

What happened to all that great fishing, it was almost too easy back then. Now you burn half a tank of fuel and have to hit several honey holes to come up with a fish or 2.

Boy how times have changed.