Registry: Real Life Version of Boy Who Cried Wolf

Funding for the registry is beginning to take on a real life version of the shepard-boy who brought out the villagers several times by crying out, "Wolf! Wolf!"

After three years of opportunities to find ways to fund the $600,000 cost of a "free" registry, and no funds being designated by our legislators or backers of the bill, there is now an after-the-fact campaign stating monies are available. However, each claim made to-date has been discredited.

The newest claim, a list of "what ifs" about a bill passed in the 1950s, boils down to whether New Jersey is able to submit a proposal to the Federal government. While it seems obvious that a proposal could be submitted what is not obvious is whether the "free" salt water registry proposal will qualify for federal funding. This has been the crux of the matter, it began when the "free" saltwater registry bill was delivered to the Governor - and so far the answer has been a resounding "no."

John F. Organ, Ph.D., CWB, Chief, Division of Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration, Adjunct Associate Professor of Wildlife Conservation, insists that the "free" registry does not qualify. Organ is not a special interest group nor is he trying to advance an agenda, he is providing his professional answer on a matter over which he has oversight and responsibility. (His letter is below).

It has been the goal of NJOA CF to ensure that there is funding to cover the cost of the $600,000 needed to implement and manage the "free" saltwater registry. We encourage the Division of Fish and Wildlife to submit a proposal to the federal government, and we hope funding will be found. But so far the feds have said, "no"!

Unfortunately, hope is not something that can be relied upon to give us what we need. Time is of the essence, the bill before the Governor has no designated funding source. Again, we've been told that the bill was worked on for three years and there was no funding found or designated during this time period. This is a fact that should concern all of us.

The position of the NJOA CF is that the angling community should not leave the fate of our fisheries to hope, optimism, crossed-fingers or the newest desperation-filled claim. We simply suggest that anglers ask the Governor to sign the "free" saltwater registry and to designate funding. It's really that simple.

"Champagne wishes and caviar dreams" may be a great theme for TV but it is not a theme to rely on for managing our natural resources. Here's a link to request that Governor Christie pass the free saltwater registry bill and also designate funding:

Here is Mr. Organ's letter stating that federal funding is not authorized to be used on the "free" saltwater registry.

Dear Director Chanda:

I have received inquiries from many interest groups regarding the eligibility of funding the Saltwater Angling Registry with Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Registration (DJ SFR) dollars. We have determined that this would be ineligible and would not be approved by this office. Our rationale is provided below:

The purpose of the DJ SFR Act (Title 16. Chapter 10B, Sec. 777) is for the Fish and Wildlife Service to cooperate with State fish and wildlife agencies on fish restoration and management projects. Federal Regulations under 50 CFR Part 80 identify eligible undertakings for DJ SFR as:

"Projects having as their purpose the restoration, conservation, management, and enhancement of sport fish, and the provision for public use and benefits from these resources."

50 CFR 80.13 requires projects to be substantial in character and design, having a clearly demonstrated need necessary and reasonable to meet the State's need in restoring and managing sport fish.

Based on the above, it is our determination that use of DJ SFR funds for the Saltwater Angler Registry is not eligible because it does not comport with the purpose of the Act, does not meet criteria for substantiality in character and design, and fulfills a regulatory requirement. The purpose of establishing the Registry would be to meet a requirement imposed by NMFS as opposed to a fishery management priority of the State. The high cost of this coupled with the availability of the data from NMFS for 2010 and possibly 2011 does not measure up to our substantiality criteria.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

John F. Organ, Ph.D., CWB
Chief, Division of Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration
Adjunct Associate Professor of Wildlife Conservation, UMass Amherst
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
300 Westgate Center Drive
Hadley, MA 01035

Members of NJOA Conservation Foundation.

Saltwater & Freshwater Angling Organizations

Jersey Coast Angler Association
Trout Unlimited
NJ Beach Buggy Association
Hudson River Fishermen's Association
Reef Rescue
Greater Point Pleasant Charter Boat Association
Jersey Coast Shark Anglers
Beach Haven Marlin & Tuna Club
Cape May Party and Charter Boat Association
Hi-Mar Striper Club
Fish Hawk's Saltwater Anglers Club
Round Valley Trout Association

Hunting & Trapping Organizations

New Jersey State Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs
United Bowhunters of NJ
NJ Trappers Association
National Wild Turkey Federation
Quail Unlimited
Ruffed Grouse Society

Forestry Organizations

New Jersey Forestry Association
Society of American Foresters

Animal Welfare Organizations

National Animal Interest Alliance

Diving Organizations

NJ Council of Divers

Conservation, Political, Environmental Stewardship Organizations

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

Anthony P. Mauro, Sr

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Conservation Foundation
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Environmental Projects

Join the NJOA, "Help us to help you ensure your outdoor freedoms!"____


Officers: Ed Markowski, Captain Pete Grimbilas, Jerry Natale, Len Wolgast, PhD., Anthony Mauro