I know this sounds dramatic.
There are some sharks that are said to be overfished (spiny dogfish)
Yet if you spend any time on party boats, you know this just ain't true.

The seas and inshore and offshore wrecks are infested with dogfish.
These dogfish compete now with everything else for forage fish, and in some places are the dominant predator the inshore areas.

This thread is about all the other sharks, which for years have seen the numbers decline. The reg agencies agree they are overfished, not necessarily by recs, but by comms and illegal fishing on the high seas. Shark finning (catching a shark for fins only, a practice popular in Asia) and other bizarre practices are severely cutting the biomass of these slow-growth Apex predators.

Guys who fish shark tournaments know it.
When was the last time you saw truly large makos caught in a tournament with any consistency?

So if anyone has any news about offshore sharks that isn't directly related to specific legislation and thus belonging in the Laws and Legislation forum, feel free to post it here.