A charter captain proposed this:
"I have charters for bass Monday to Friday, 5-9 PM, May 1 to Nov. 10. I have been fishing NY harbor since 1994. By '96, 5 fishermen were averaging 20-30 bass, per night, clam chumming. Right through the summer!! Most fish were 23-27 inches. We would catch a few each week that were over 28 inches, but not many.

Today,.....same spots,..... we catch 6-8 fish a night. Of those 75% are now over 28 inches. School bass are missing. Ask the guys who fish Little Neck Bay in the spring. They'll tell ya' the schoolies are NOT like they used to be.

We are KILLING TOO MANY bass!!
My suggestion? 36 inch minimum size, one fish per person. "

Good for him, maybe he would lose a lot of business because of it, but he is proposing it anyway.
For me, I catch bass mostly 24-34", unless I am on a boat. I am happy with that and the chance to catch a big cow every once in a while from the surf (thought I have never caught one yet of "cow" size.
The point is, if that was the size limit, I and a lot of other guys who fish the surf would not be hardly taking one home, because you dont see 36 inchers every day. The cool thing about it is we would still be able to fish.
I would be down with that, how about you?