This is not about my wife's health, its about the incompetent medical field. From doctors to nurses to pharmacists. Its about the lack of respect for people, taking things for granted and screwing people who should receive much better care and consideration. This is just an example of what happens (first hand experience), others have it much worse. Its an example of that you can never take anything for granted. And how on earth are you supposed to trust "professionals".

So my wife had her hip replaced Friday morning. They released her from the hospital Saturday (today) in the evening (surgery looks like it went good, she is in a lot of pain). We have 4 prescriptions to get filled, blood thinner a couple anti-inflammatory drugs and a pain killer. She has liver problems from 8 years ago when a doctor failed to tell her that Lipitor was damaging her liver (wife took the required blood test, it was bad, doctor never read it and never notified us). So Walgreens knows this and has drugs that filter through the liver flagged in their system (at least that is what we have been told). Of the drugs prescribed one is a no-no for the liver (doctor and hospital new repeatedly about the liver problem, but an oops on their part I guess). The pain killer and blood thinner (needle) we know are OK , the other ant-inflammatory not sure. I go to Walgreens.
Me - Please check if this prescription is OK for wife (liver problem)
Pharmacist – Can't, doctor should know.
Me – what about the flagging?
PH – system will not do that
Me – please fill other prescriptions
PH – Do not have the 10 mg pain killers, only 5 mg, will take 5days to get
Me – Please give me the 5 mg, double qty.
PH – Can't do that, try CVS, they should have it
To CVS I went (by the way she (Walgreens)would have filled the drug that is a no-no for the liver)

Me – Do you have a flagging system that would catch drugs that effect the liver
CVS PH – Yes
Me – Great, how about this pain killer
CVS PH – only 5 mg, not enough to fill, can't sell them to you, maybe have in CVS in Cedar Grove
Me – OK, please call them to see if they have them (its 9:30 at night)
CVS PH – I can't do that on this drug

That was the crux of the conversations, there was more (I expressed my dismay on the situation).
We are lucky, my wife has a few pain killers left from the knee replacement this past December. Which we think when a different doctor did the knee replacement he never checked my wife's hip. During the knee replacement surgery there is a lot of twisting and pushing. He more than likely wrecked her hip (which going into that operation may have had a problem and should have been checked first). So when she could not walk after one month, two months, three months and the doctor would say “you are a slow healer, not enough home exercise etc.” He finally checked her hip, “wow, you now need a hip replacement”.

Sunday I will go back to the Walgreens, where I will try to convince hopefully a common sense good Pharmacist to sell us the 5 mg pills and explain to me how we were told 3 years ago Walgreens had a flagging system that would protect my wife's liver and the fu**ing pharmacist last night said there is nothing of the sort. May have to tell them to call the doctor about substituting the 5 mg.

I am a common sense type of guy. All this above lacks common sense and paying attention to important details. There are more stories about how the nurses in the two different hospitals (both surgeries) blatantly paid zero attention to the medicine they gave my wife as we told them about the liver problems (all reports listed the problem). They would say “everyone gets this medicine”.
How about some common sense?
Good stuff also happens:
My wife's hip surgery looks like it went well (very early). I like the doctor, very positive attitude and outlook. She's walking with a walker hurts...but she is getting around.