Sent in by Rip-Plugger, thanks.

listening to coast to coast am right now playing a recap from last
this object seems to be on a rendevous course with earth.
trajectory and calculations say it is a hyperbolic comet,one that has
come from another star system and is of the kind that does not reappear
many year is one pass and it keeps going never to return.

Richard C. Hoaglan calculates that it is something sent by our
ancestors,a time capsule which will pass 22 million miles from us after
it approaches and swings around the sun it will shoot off in another
the shape of this tetrahedron is like a pyramid.
19.5 keeps popping up in al the calculations made.odds of this coming
toward us from so far away at this angle are 1 in 45 billion!

perhaps it is a ship launched 13000 years ago full of the tech and
knowledge that we have lost.
could be.

have any of you ever haerd of the black Knight satelite?

well go to you tube and search it,you will see some interesting nasa pix
and the story behind ahead,search it anywhere,you won't believe
