He truly is a grouchy SOB.
I ain't kidding.

I know there is a good side to the grouch but there is also a emmeffing cranky side, grouchy, argumentative, critical. I love the ol grouch, but sometimes he's so intense I want to strangle him....

So yesterday he went for some tests, and had to take some valium to chill him out....
I gotta tell you it was a pleasure talking to him when he came home to let me know how it went....no screaming, ranting, raving, etc.....full of "helpful" advice....a state trooper was on my azz as I entered the Parkway because I probably wasn't driving fast enough....Fin advised me I should have waved him over to the side of the road and lectured him on safe driving....yeah, right...

The point it, the tone of his voice, his demeanor, mellow attitude he exhibited, make me think he was a different person....no rants,. yelling, screaming that he usually does.....just a totally mellow, laid back guy......

So for those of you who know him....'
Should he be on medication like Valium, every day?
Don't be afraid to answer, he can't choke ya on the internet....