Quote Originally Posted by CharlieTuna View Post
Dark will you be going to report on this again?
Charlie, I feel I did my part with the last hearing, where a few recs attended, but we were outnumbered, and Out-lobbied by Comms.

It was the same in the Fishermens' March on Washington which G and I also attended and documented.
Even though Comms and Recs were united in unity at that rally, the Comms clearly outnumbered the Recreatioal presence there.

And, as I'm pretty compulsive at counting and estimating crowd size, there were definitely less than the 5000 fishermen there that were claimed to have been counted. To me, that's a sad thing, since so many Recreational guys have a long-term stake in these issues. Yet, it seems many can't be bothered....

I have also done my part to publicize these issues, and the Fisherman Access issues, like Shoreham Beach, LBI Access, etc, on many web-sites out there...When you do a search on some of these rallies, my detailed posts asking for support come up again, and again.....

Yet I wonder if anyone has been listening, beyond the 5% or less of guys who traditionally get involved in things like this.....

So for now, I have talken a step back, and will not be going to that hearing.
If you or anyone else who wants to keep folks informed would care to keep us posted on the updates, I would appreciate it.

That goes for the current Fishermens' Rally scheduled in Washington.
If anyone wants to start a separate thread on it as well, feel free.

I'll try to dig up our old thread on that, and all the short videos I shot (close to 60) as that date approaches, hopefully to rally some more folks into participation.

Food for thought...
One of the reasons that fishermen, as a group, get so little respect politically, is that many politicians know that most of us will not get together and organize, and they can ignore us, until PACS like the RFA and others come knocking on their door....

And to me, that is a shame, it really is.....