Appeal to the GoPro surf fishermen....

1. Please be considerate of others who fish there regularly.
2. Realize that if you are filming footage of fantastic action, there are those who will be motivated to visit that place regularly, for eternity, if you post it on the internet.
3. Realize that if we lose access in those areas, you are directly responsible for the role you played, by posting such videos on the internet.
4. Realize that the places we have to fish from the surf, are dwindling every year. For those not aware of how much access we have lost already, I will go into detail about "lost access" when I get back here and get some time to post again.

Look, people...
No one is against you having a good time out there..
Or catching lots of fish...that's one of the reasons why we're all out there
Or sharing your stories with your friends, or strangers,

I get that... sharing fishing stories on the internet is part of the surf fishing experience these days, with many sites devoted to it, and Facebook recently coming into the forefront of many who surf's inevitable that we want to share our experiences, or even in some cases, brag a little...I understand that whole dynamic..I get it.....

I also want you folks who are new to this game, to understand that we lose access every year because of selfish behavior....and behavior where you are filming specifically where you are...can contribute to that....

I'm trying to lay it out here, and explain it to ya's, as reasonably and diplomatically as possible, I hope those reading this can understand that,...