Over 37,000 views and still growing....

When I first started this thread I had no real expectations of its potential..
Along the way I've learned a few things...

* Many folks tune in here anonymously.
* Some seem to get good benefits from it,. and are incredulous in some of the e-mails I get...asking me if I'm not embarassed being so candid...

* I was more embarassed passing out drunk and high, on the floors of public restrooms, passing out in public places, and losing the trust and respect of family, friends, and loved ones.
* In my sobriety these embarassments are not common anymore...yet I still have the issues many people have in their lives, so I don't mind being open and honest about them...
* I also don't mind when good friends like Finchaser and others here bust balls about me having smelly waders, smelling like bunker, or clams, being a GOOGAN,....or not taking a shower for 2 days....it's all good....

The thing that pushes me to continue posting is that I see a lot of people benefiting from this thread, not just alcoholics or addicts....compulsive behavior can come in many disguises, even fishing...

One of the latest e-mails I got thanked me profusely for this thread, said they weren't an alcoholic but it was part of their family history......
I want folks to know these e-mails are always anonymous unless you request or allow me to post up part of it as a help to others...your confidentiality and my discretion is something you can count on....

And if there's any way I can help folks out there anonymously, with suggestions for meetings, advice, etc, feel free to contact me at any time....part of my recovery is I must try to help those in similar situations when asked......

To the latest person who sent me the encouraging e-mail.....they will recognize themselves because I told them I would be mentioning this....thanks for the words of encouragement, and feel free to call me anytime there is something I might be able to advise you on.....

Remember that you are a person of good character, whose words also mean a lot to folks in your circle....a lot of them can benefit from your wisdom....

Best wishes to all, and remember that the lives we live will always have their ups and downs.....the key to survival is to learn how to ride them out......

Thanks for reading , folks......