2012 Bass Migration

This thread was conceived due to the unusual Winter we had in the NJ/LI area.
We had a series of events which kept bass from their usual migration paths.

I thought some folks would be interested in hearing they Why's and What's that makes this Spring Migration different.

Feel free to jump in with opinions, even if they are different from the ones stated here...

Or if you have anything you're not sure you understand, feel free to ask...

As always, I'm deeply grateful for the folks along the NE Coast who send me reports, many of which are never posted here. And the daily conversations I have with a circle of Veteran Fishermen, Old-Timers who are obsessive about analyzing the details (Hey, they're retired a lot of them...gives them something to do.... )
Regardless... they help I and some others, to get a clearer picture, of Why the fish are Where they are for a particular moment in time....