From the APP
What a story, this guy is extremely lucky.

7:47 PM, May. 10, 2012
Written by
Jim Hutchinson For NJ Press Media

I received a great story from Diane Stulga of Beach Haven West. She titled it “Striper Stripper.” It seems her neighbor’s son, Rudy Egberts, is a devoted fisherman.

“You can set your watch by what time his boat will pull away from his dock,” Stulga said.
It seems that Rudy’s routine underwent a drastic interruption a week or so ago. Rudy was up and getting ready to head out to catch some stripers at 5:30 am. As he sat on the couch putting his boots on, he didn’t realize that the remote control for the boat lift was in his pocket. Somehow, Rudy was pressing the button as he sat there.

This activated the boat lift, which lowered the boat into the water. As he finished putting on his boats, he looked out the window and saw his boat floating down the middle of the lagoon.
Not one to miss out on his fishing, Rudy ran outside. Since it was still dark, he stripped down to his boxer shorts and jumped into the cold water to swim after his boat.

Once he had the boat back where it belonged, Rudy got dressed, loaded the boat, and headed off to the ocean to do his fishing.
Rudy ended the day with four keepers: three stripers and his boat. My hat is off to Rudy for his dedication, and I thank Stulga for bringing the story to my attention.