Quote Originally Posted by surfwalker View Post
We have all seen changes to the spots that we frequent. Structure constantly changes in most spots, no control. But over time the areas I go to often have really changed.

The overcrowding and immense fishing pressure has increased tremendously in my area. Even when I’m in the solitary hours of dark it’s not solitary anymore.

Some beautiful jetties I used to plug have been covered over by the sand pumpers, non existent anymore.

The plovers have taken over vast areas of productive beaches.

The dark permits that were once free are now a pay only pass.

Now I have to register to plug the ocean, eventually another fee will be initiated.

New faces I meet (young/old/experienced/novice) now are more inclined with the impressive conversation of their catches, rather than the education of the how they got that catch.

I could go on, but these are only some things I’ve noticed. Times change-I adapt.
What’s changed in your spots- Good/ Bad doesn’t matter, just curious.

What's bad is the love for plovers has risen above the needs of fishermen. This seems like it will only get worse as more of these PETA weirdos get into our gov't. We tried so hard to be reasonable and they treat us like we are baby killers. At some point that has got to stop and we fishermen have to fight or organize a mass walk-on in pretest and risk getting arrested. Bring the news cameras in so people see we are good guys who just want to fish.

Whats good is that the beaches and some inlets are pretty quiet. Piers and bridges are crowded as usual with all the guys slinging bait. If you fish on a weeknight and creep around you hardly run into anyone nowadays. I like that.