Watching the beginning debates the other day between Obama and McCain made me realize something. Neither one of them is in touch with middle class values.

McCain doesn't know how many houses he has.

Obama attacks him on that when in fact he recently moved into a high end house that paid over $1 million for. This house was some type of discounted deal or something like that, so that tells me it was worth considerably more.

No one is denying the right of Americans to make and spend money. That's one of the great principles this country was founded on. However, to hear either of these demagogues speak to us like they are the common man makes me want to puke. It's all total BS.

They are the elite of elite in America. There is no way either of these guys can claim with a straight face they represent the middle class.

I say we vote for Hillary Clinton on the ballot.

Many strategists have said a vote for her is a vote for McCain because not supporting the Democratic Party line is an automatic win for the Republicans. I say Hogwash!

The race for the Democratic nomination was a close one. That doesn't take into account the fact that many people who would vote for Hillary changed their minds when Obama won the delegates. These people originally intended to vote for her. I believe they could be persuaded to vote for her if they felt she had a chance.

At the end, she had more people votes than delegates. I believe she would win a fair election.

I am asking any who read this and have the remotest possible interest to send this along as an e-mail to those who might have supported Hillary.

Hillary wasn't my favorite nominee to begin with. I would have preferred someone who was committed to spend less on healthcare. I feel her universal healthcare program is not feasible.

The economy is in the toilet. Most people I associate with have 2 jobs to feed their families and make ends meet. Many are worrying about their mortgages and escalating fuel prices.

Moreover, the international arena is filed with terror and tough problems that need to be solved. IMO McCain would fail miserably by sending in more troops without results, and Obama is a fool for suggesting to "sit down and negotiate" with terrorists.:

There has to be a middle ground, and Hillary is it.

Please consider her as the best available option. I know many will say it's not possible, but where is it written in stone that we must only have 2 candidates? I just want others to know that writing her in is an option.

Thanks for reading this.