Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
Dark I have no idea how you found that (you are "in the zone") . I thought that was so funny, talking about it with you and then you finding that. Like I was telling you after fishing the guy would mosey on over, see whats happening, hang out and make some casts close by then mosey on away. But was real nice, chit chatted a bit. While I was doing everything I could to get the first ray in we were joking and laughing a bit about it. Seemed like a nice guy. What a wacky small world, its always something crazy going on, every fishing outing (experience) is special .
I read yours and Finchasers reports, real skill, getting bass when others have given up.
Here I am, catching fish that I am not targeting, almost clown like (herring, sea robins, rays), and then having Al write about it. Another example (like rule number 26), of how to be a Googan.

Googan Rules
Rule #26: While catching ridicules (not targeted) fish in unorthodox ways have an outdoor writer mug you (in a nice, pleasant way) and then write about it.......

Monty, I'm obsessive...in a lot of ways...it drives Pebbles crazy...sometimes she wakes me up at night saying I was muttering about fish...as Steve said, at times it's tough to sleep through the night if I know the tide is good and conditions are right......so is it any wonder I connected Al's Story to you?

You were talking about getting mugged, and we were lamenting he wouldn't leave you alone.....
At the time I had no idea, just thought he really desired the fish you were catching, you were on the Red X....ya know.....

So you're officially famous, congrats, and good job....

Mon night....
I felt the conditions would be better, had to be out there as the new moon is approaching.

I would characterize it as a slow pick as there was no heightened period of activity.

Blind casting with the magdarter produced some fish, and some misses as well.
The swell was as big as the other night, but duration of 8-9 seconds made it very fishable.
Had to move to a few places to accumulate a total of 4 bass to 28", released.

Nice night and weather, steady W wind.