Fri night - Skunk. The East wind was blowing but wanted to keep it honest and went out anyway to do a little fishing and scouting. Checked out some back bay spots, nothing for me.

Sat night - very slow pick of bass, lots of fun.....

"All about the teaser".....
I was out trying to find some cleaner water. Seems Monty and Mike O had the same idea.
Somehow we all ran into each other in a back bay area.

I have not seen Mike O in person for a few years. You don't always remember people when you fish a lot and run into different characters. What I remembered about Mike was his old school surf bag, and some of the ways he fishes.
Rubber eel on tin squid, (also a favorite of Finchaser and some of the other Old Farts....)......Hopkins fished slowly at night.....and some other old-school tactics......

Mike was the first to hook and land a bass. Nice keeper size around 10#.
I think he also had the hot hand for the night with the biggest fish.
All the rest were substantially smaller, but we all hooked and landed a few.
It was a slow pick, we fished all night for those fish, and there were long periods of no activity.

The fish seemed to be feeding on very small calico crabs, small rainfish, and spearing, about 4" long.
Coincidentally, spearing size black teasers were the only thing they would hit.
We gradually saw that it was all about the teaser.
Anything we threw was a "teaser delivery system"......we could probably have thrown an egg sinker with a teaser when the water was high, and still caught fish....(note, this is an "old-school" tactic as well)

Mike first noticed fish were on the bottom of the water column and had some success with metal and a teaser. As the tide dropped we ended up fishing plugs on top, still getting fish.

I don't know if Mike or Monty ended up being high hook.
I have to confess I was definitely low hook.

For my teaser, I started out fishing a red rubber tube, feeling it would mimic the bait profile I had seen in the water.
It only resulted in a dropped fish.
Monty also noticed this as well, at first striking out with a short small teaser.
I would say for last night under the new moon, black color was important for where we were, but that was secondary to size.

They would not hit anything else but a teaser in that size range.
I stubbornly refused to switch to a teaser the size they were using.
Googan Central.
After they both landed multiple fish, I made the switch, thanks to Monty's generosity.

Monty also gave Mike a teaser when we saw Monty's teasers had a slight edge.
Monty may be a Googan, but he is one of the most unselfish guys I know....

In all, I had a great time. Don't get to fish with site-members or others that much anymore as I too have become an Old Grouchy Basstard. I relish my Grouchiness, and the odors coming from me at night, because of the solitude it brings me.

However, it was a pleasure, and honor, to fish with these 2 fine fishermen.
Would fish with either of ya's again, anytime...
Really enjoyed the stories of the Sea Bright wall, the Flume, and fishing herring, in the old days, Mike, and the company of both of ya Mooks.

We were talking at the end (no talking during fishing!) and remarked that if you combined our catches, for the whole night, it would probably total only 1/2 of what that old Grouchy Basstard Finchaser has been managing each time he's out there, for a few hours of fishing....