Last year was the first year I was able to catch a bunch, after deciding to target them the year before, and not being quick or adaptable enough to get one.

Albies, false albacore, fat alberts, berts, call them what you want, I call them an end of summer addiction.

Once you get one, you are driven to get another. Must have, must find, must pursue until a fall storm and northwest winds drive them away.

Anyone who ever caught one knows the addictive power they can have, Pound for pound, there is no fish you can catch from the suds that has more power.

A huge bluefish is mean, but albies are the speedsteers for the middle class. For those of us who can't afford a boat or spending thousands on boat trips, albies are the best game in the September surf. To me, their power is incredible. Their ability to dump half your spool on their first run keeps me coming back time and time again.

Sure, I guess they don't break your back like tuna do. And after one or 2 runs, they are basically done.

But they are beautiful fish, and a worthy opponent on light tackle. It amazes me to see the fly guys catch them and see them have a blast!

When I'm old, I hope God allows me the chance to make it down to the suds to catch one more albie before I die, or that I can die with a fishing pole in my hands.