1.Just wondering if you folks out there would still fish...if there was a Striped Bass Moratorium...?
2. Would you fish for bluefish and be happy with that?
3. What do you think are the chances of that happening?

1. Yes, I’d still plug. I hardly catch any Bass lately anyways. I would still enjoy the attempt, the personal satisfaction of just being there. I have found it to be good therapy for the mind, soul and general attitude, yes, I would still fish.

2. I’d plug for downtown blues, mostly on top. Their explosions make me smile outwardly. I’d be semi happy as opposed to overwelmingly happy. Smaller blues would bring out the hookless Atom poppers and old metals, the excitement, for me, would be less.

3. Striped Bass Moratorium – I see the pressure on this fish growing more and more with each passing year. More and more keepers being walked off the beach. The pressure from the comms/fish markets/resturants will only increase in the future, they want a share, for money’s sake. Depends on who represents them, (in the political sector) in order to override game fish status, if possible. Just my thoughts/opinions, right/wrong, who knows.