The above shows what a good sport Monty is......but beyond his proclaimed victory as the Googan of the Year ( A title which I am at times jealous of and have tried to steal from him with my own googan mistakes.......)

Monty is a compulsive fisherman.....
When he's out there he is (usually) targeting bass.....

However, sometimes other creatures jump aboard the retrieval train of White Water Monty.....

There was the time in the summer of 2012........
When he caught the cownose ray on the teaser.....
And promptly got mugged by Al Ristori, who was fishing nearby......

(note, Al is a fixture among the salt water community, writer, colorful character, somewhat of a BS' er, but still, in all, a part of NJ Saltwater Fishing History...... )

Here's that story, giving White Water Monty the title of StripersAndAnglers "Biggest non-bass Catch caught on a teaser"

July 15, 2012, post 41
Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
Great report, congrats on the bass (again) Finchaser
My wacky report.
I fished this morning ocean side from 2:30 - 8:00.
Was delayed (stuck on the Driscoll Bridge ) for an hour and half. Fished one area for an hour and did not catch anything. Moved south about 10-15 miles. I proceeded to catch everything but what I wanted to catch .
Caught a herring on a teaser, 3 Sea robins on teasers, a small blue fish on a teaser and then two rays (one on a teaser, ended up hooked on the tail....took a good 15 minutes and some strong runs to land), the other on J-rod 4 oz metal....when it hit the lure I think I saw it roll in the wave....., landed and released in 5 minutes. Was real happy how my rod and line held up to these fish as I had to really put it to them to stop the runs and get them off the bottom. Lost a few fish on long casts (small fish), missed a blow up on the Dookster . Was fun, no bugs, water not to hot, no one else out there until the sun came out. I had not caught a sea robin this year until last week (now I'm catching them on teasers in front of poppers) and I can't remember the last time I caught a ray.