Its got to be a low point in this country's history.
Its unthinkable what happened.
Greatest country in the world??
At one time yes, not now in my opinion.

My prayers and thoughts go out to all the children, families and friends.

This country is a mess, and by country I mean lots of citizens in it.
The government is another total disaster.

This country has lost its moral compass.
People got mad when Obama criticized some of the things going on in this country, well we should all look in the mirror.
That this happened in this world, never mind this country is completely unacceptable.

US is my home and I love living here, but what the **** is going on??

A person is a little depressed, medicate them.
A person has a little trouble finding a job, pay them for not working.
Hey lets make smoking pot legal, that will solve everything.
Kids spend hours each day playing games on computers, Ipads, etc. and killing aliens, zombies and people.....think this doesn't desensitize them?

This shooting in Connecticut is so sad, so horrific. Just cannot believe this has happened.
Unbelievable sadness, incredible anger at this monster who did this.

Lots of people arbitrarily shooting people more often now. All tragic. This is beyond tragic.

And he wasn't a Muslim or a terrorist. He was a home grown American monster.

I can understand a motive for what happened on 911, it was unbelievable bad, cowardly.

But this shooting in Connecticut, 20 children between the ages of 5 and 7, unfathomable.