Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
OK DS ban me from the site I don't care

Can't ban ya for expressing your legally protected rights to free speech.....it's in the Constitution, ya know....

I would ban someone from attacking others in a malicious or libelous way, and I have.....
You haven't even come close to breaching those parameters.....yet....... (Although your grouchy rants are legendary...)

IMO if only the criminals and police can own them...the crimes will become more unspeakable....

There was a case I read about a year or so ago,,,,,
It may be on here, don't have time to search...

A guy and his girlfriend were brutally robbed, beaten, and she was raped while they made him watch......
although that was an extreme case, you never know when you could be in that situation....I'm certain this guy and his girlfriend never imagined they could be in such a situation either......

I agree with what you and others said Fin.....
To take away our ability to protect ourselves, from the animals who masquerade as people....is wrong, and against the Constitution.....

If you do a search, you will find there are some towns in the South (Texas has one of them, I believe)

Where there is a very high % of gun ownership...and less crime than in other areas......in those areas folks are permitted to shoot to kill....and when you are threatening someone's life or liberty, or the safety of their family.....I believe you deserve to be shot...

Again, these are just my thoughts,,,,,
But with all the animals out there....there is no way the Gov't is going to protect me from every possible circumstance... getting rid of all guns will just make us less safe as individuals....
I therefore feel we have a right to arm ourselves, should that time ever happen when we are placed in grave danger as explained above.