Another good story is in Spring Lake.

I believe it was the 80's...when Finchaser, Joe Melillo and the clubs they were affiliated with, rallied together....over 100 guys and their vehicles...and locked down traffic in Spring Lake as they paraded up and down the main street with their vehicles...protesting.... when access to surf fishermen was shut down.

Sadly, I doubt that even with more people fishing today, if we needed to do this to make a point, if it could ever happen. The apathy out there is appalling.....

I say this not to anger people, but to perhaps ignite some sort of spark, in those that still do care....

With the beach rebuilding we will continue to have access issues. Even with federal dollars coming in for replenishment, somehow fishermen always seem to get short changed.....We need to remember this and keep ourselves informed. To those who contributed to this thread, thanks for continuing to do that.....