Time again to talk about Milt Rosko, one of the NJ Saltwater Legends.
On post 14 of this thread.

I hope some anglers who have time on their hands this winter will read my comments above and take it upon themselves to do the comparisons I mentioned. Milt said these things first, and a small minority seem to have lifted them from him. I say this not with malice but as observations. I invite you to make the same observations.

Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
Although each new book by a new author tries to make their particular take on the subject new and refreshing, Fin has pointed out, over and over, how a lot of the Authors who came after Milt, if you look at some of the current books, seem to have the same exact chapters that Milt did in his book.....

That's not to detract away from the folks who are now writing "How To" books, as some of them are quite good...but merely a recognition that Milt and others of his generation, said it first....

When Finchaser and the old Farts he hangs with are no longer with us, I suspect some of the newer internet authorities will be glad as there are many stories that Fin and the Farts cannot share on a public forum. My perspective about some authors has changed over the years as I found out through independent confirmation that the stories related by Fin and the old Farts are true.....the sad thing is,. over time, folks will forget true stories about other folks who stomped on others to get to the top.....good thing I have the memory of an elephant about these things......

I get no money or benefit whenever one of Milt's books is sold, and as of yet he is one of the old timers I have not met. However, I have always respected his integrity and honesty, and admired him from afar. He us truly part of our Surfcasting History in NJ.

Check out his books when you get a chance......and if you get a moment to talk to the man at a show or seminar.....take in every morsel he has to share with ya......

Thanks for sharing your opinions, folks......