Now that you're all thoroughly bored.....I'll simplify this, to make it easier to understand for everyone.......I'll fill it in with more segments as I get a chance...and try to tie all the key groups in, and how they relate to bass and this apple tree....hope you enjoy...thanks for reading.....

Striped Bass and the Apple Tree..Part 1..... ©
DarkSkies 2013

**The analogy here that I am trying to get across is that of a huge apple tree, filled with striped bass instead of apples...

There was once a giant apple tree in King Neptune's backyard......
At that time the land was populated with simple and respectful folk...we'll call them the Pilgrims.....they were basically farmers and subsistence people, living off the land.

The tree was an apple tree, but there was something different about this apple tree. Apples did not grow from it. Instead, it was the only tree in the yard that grew striped bass. Not just any striped bass, but the Atlantic Striped bass, one of the greatest and most prized gamefish on the East Coast.

When people first heard of this striped bass tree, many were not interested. They said: "Why would we want those fish when we have cows and chickens to eat?"
Eventually, some of the cows died, and people wanted to try other things to sustain themselves. They grew wheat, which they made into bread. They grew corn and vegetables, which they enjoyed as well. They grew potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes, big juicy tomatoes dripping with flavor.

The thing that was missing was the protein.
Some started to gather around the striped bass tree, and saw that there were millions of striped bass, there for the taking. Some grabbed a bass or 2 that was hanging like low lying fruit. They brought it home, put it on the fire, and cooked it. It was good. Yum, yum.