Thought for the day......

"With words we can create a picture that often leads us to understanding."

The thing that speaks to me, in the above sentence, is that it is all about communication.

We are in a stage in our societal development where everyone is busy in their own lives...Many of us have more pressure than ever before...the economy is limping along, some folks are out of work, or working less, some have suffered great losses with recent bad weather all across the US..those that are gainfully employed are feeling more stress, as organizations expect more, from less workers....

I feel there is also a disconnect in our society, because of all the electronic devices we are tied into....computers, cell phones, etc, and that some people have lost the old-fashioned ideals of personal communication and contact.....People seem to be, generally speaking, more selfish than I remember than when I was growing up.....

To deal with this, if you are trying to get a message across, I feel your words must be compelling......
It is a challenge, but it is all about the words.....

Your words must be exciting,
They must be interesting....
It is not enough to be informative....

Because informative sometimes = boring...
They must be entertaining,
Show a clear and understandable point...
And be compelling in their content.......

One of the best ways to reach an audience we don't know, is with our choice of words......
When it relates to people we do know, the choice of words is even more important....
As those of us from dysfunctional backgrounds know all too well, at times poorly chosen words will shut all communication down....
Just my thoughts, thanks for reading......