Quote Originally Posted by toadfish View Post
Just had very limited chances to fish,was on a tour with the spouse. Caught hell for showing up late/wet for dinner on the 1st night but was catching 2' ladyfish and 1 other tarpon like fish 3' but don't know what it was..
Quote Originally Posted by vpass View Post
How could you help yourself, I know i would be in the doghouse.

Me too.
A lot of us say we're out there for the fishing, solitude, etc, not necessarily the catching....
But when the fishing turns into catching, and it's a good bite, it's almost impossible for me to walk away from it.....
I've run out of excuses to use. when I'm out there in a good bite, and have been late for something........
That's one of the reasons my trips have expanded into the night....when there is more time to devote to that bite when you're lucky enough to run into a solid one.....

Thanks for sharing that toadfish...I was living vicariously through your trip as you were texting me....glad ya had a good time.....