Thank you monty. I mean I don't begrudge a person who comes out a few times a year, to catch and eat their limits, including bonus tags. What if you only fish twice a season. Then you should take every last morsel of bass because it has to last you. These other meat men especially the ones above are putting a hammering on the bass every day. The kid takes them home for the poor? What is he trying to tell us that they are like cookies in a factory? Fishing for me this year is the worst it ever has been. I know there are less bass I don't need some scientist from the fisheries service to let me know that. Got some fish to 20 lbs already but it is like finding the pot of gold.

These dudes go out there day after day. In the case of fisher price twice a day.
Catching bass like they are a factory boat. Lots of folks blame the netters but you look at a NJ boat that goes out 2x a day and tally up those numbers during a good season.