I just read this on another forum : "IF you're going to release Stripers after catching - read this !
1. Get the fish back in the water within 30 seconds - or less !
Reason - study showed brain damage likely begins within 30 seconds- and even if your fish swims away, it may die later from " losing it's mind from lack of oxygen.

2. Hold the fish carefully - support the belly, and don't hold vertically by the lip, or head.
Reason - the Stripers internal organs are built to handle water, and horizonal - not out of the water vertically.
The organs shift, break lose from delicate internal connections, and the fish may die later.

So have the camera and tape measure ready - don't spend 1 - 2 minutes getting the pics done and then release the fish. By then, the fish is damaged - even if it swims off.

If you're going to release the fish, make sure it's done so the fish survives - otherwise, keep the fish and respect it by eating it.
" I will admit that I struggle with this as well. When I catch a fish I want to take a pic to show my wife/ kids and friends. I may be releasing a fish that is not healthy all because MY EGO wanted to have a memorial of my catch. AM I any better than the guys who are taking more than their needs? I really should not even take the fish out of the water when releasing. I really need to consider my own actions.