Quote Originally Posted by hookset View Post
malek that is a huge bait tank. If you think it fits your needs go for it. But as john said water weighs a lot. I guess it depends on how you fish and assuming for catfish you will be going to one place and sitting down for the duration.
Home depot made some great coolers a while badk they were about 10 gallons.
Also we used to use some that were about 20 gallons a while back made out of white poly. This was when you could use herring from the delaware but you cant do that anymore.
What I wouild do is find some way to switch out the water if you will have the tank close to it. Even if you change 3-5 gallons at a time that would make a big difference. Someone mentioned the ammonia content in the water from the fish waste. Anything you could do to dilute that, short of plumbing it directly into the river where you fish, would give you a leg up on fish mortality.
How many baits do you usually keep in a tank at one time? When you have the answer to that question you can build your system around it. good luck and let us know how you make out.
btw rob nice link for that 5 gallon bucket. Now they make bigger buckets so you could modify to use for a 7.5 or 10 gallon bucket if you found one. I wouid use a 12v battery to power that system.
I have considered the weight and I need the size for the amount of catfish we usually catch we usually keep them on a stringer til we get ready to leave, am trying to change that cause here a couple weeks ago we caught a 20lb channel cat had it on the stringer in the water and when we went to leave all we had was the head apparently a muskie snuck in and had a snack on us which is very disheartening for us fisherpeople. I usually keep 20-30 sunnies which are 8-10 inches in length we run a double chub rig tossing 2 baits at once with 4-5 of us fishing. i got a real sweet spot for catching the bait where I can grab the big ones consistently but it is about a half hour 45 min drive from the spot we catfish at I catch the bait in morningish then catfish at night and the bait does not last that long with the current container I use to transport them. for the waste I think I am either going to put in some in line cartridge filters or add a couple hoses to drape in the water for recycle the water just gotta figure out how to allow the system to run during transport