Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
** We are past the month of September....This has been the worst September in several years for me.
I hate to present things this way, but that means 25%, or more, of the Fall Fishing season has already passed us....Do you have a lot to show for it? I don't.....

I say this not to put negativity out there.....but to try to rally fishermen that we need to keep active and involved...
1. We need more recreational fishermen at Fisheries Management meetings.
2. We need more fishermen to get involved when there is a Beach Access hearing.
3. We need more fishermen to acknowledge, on message boards and when you are asked to write letters and e-mails, that the Striped Bass numbers are down......

4. And to try to have discussions about sustainable harvest limits.(Of course, only if this is what you are seeing.....I am seeing it in my own experiences for the last 5-8 years)

The future of tomorrow's fishing is in your hands....please don't forget to get involved, when you are asked to stand up and be counted......
Thanks for reading....

dark skies you should not apologize for putting that out there. Its the truth. Even montak and block there has been sucky fishing from the surf so far this year. Where are the fish? They are not there plain and simple. Thank you for the honesty.