(note, the only name you will see here is Willie's....as he is involved in many discussions for fishing access and striped bass regs).....the other names I have taken out in fairness to those folks. If they are not members here I don't want anyone to think I am bad mouthing them, per se.

I feel the things that were said were the important things to focus on.....
To me, these discussions can be helpful learning tools if we look at
1. what was said, not who said it
2. try to see how it could happen in our neighborhoods

Part of the discussion here.....

Quote Originally Posted by willyyoung View Post
Can anyone who is a non resident of Southampton show me their beach driving permit for Southampton .Wake up there is none
Yes I worked with residents and the trustees to fight the Brodsky Bill and the lawsuit by homeowners. The only time ** name came up was as someone who told the trustees he was in favor of ending non resident permits.

No permit = personal appearance ticket heavy fine

Quote Originally Posted by willyyoung View Post
So it means nothing to you to make the disabled, handicapped, elderly,fisherman with their gear walk a mile .
New York State provides this access . YES EVEN A 4X4 PERMIT FOR SURFERS
Try telling what is real for a change
Willy, And we have people worried about ALL USER GROUPS and what happens at NYS beaches and parks?
Confusion is setting in..............
The confusion here, is that when we talk about fisheries management issues, and what commercial fishermen should or should not be allowed to take, that concerns ** and his family member who is a commercial fisherman.
Also, when a decision impacts surfers, that impacts **, who is a surfer. So his big speech to all of us here is:
"I am ** and I am fighting for ALL USER GROUPS. Willy you are myopic because you do not include us, wah wah wah!"

For any OTHER issues, ** reverts back to his elitist, hypocritical ways.
He does not want you in his backyard of Southhampton if you are not a resident..

He will pretend that he does, and hide behind the dongan patent when it comes to matters that personally affect him.

I've had people come down to the waters edge
Literally Screaming their heads off that I can't fish there
Without a Southampton sticker .
NO 4X4 for non residents, NO freshwater fishing for non residents, understood.
So where is all this access for all user groups located?
Great points, guys.
It seems that ** only yammers about access for ALL user groups when he is the one excluded or affected. When he is part of the group (southhampton residents) doing the excluding, it's all good and justified.

All of these "municipalities" exist within NYS. Using NYS tax money to operate. So all residents of NYS should have access to them...
**....This is one of the dirty little tricks they play in beach access in LI and many areas of CT. **, **, and some others here touched on it in their comments, good observations.
They say they are not violating the Public Trust. They allow fishermen to have access, and for many of your areas you have to buy a night fishing permit.

However, they strictly control the access by severely limiting the parking. In some cases as you members mentioned, it's hard to find, or not available. So they have not violated the Public Trust, they have merely controlled your parking access to that area......
Sneaky, tricky, elitist, and hypocritical, ain't they?