I went early to the Berkeley show today. It seems like there are 2 groups of people that come in to these shows. The first group reminds me of the speed freaks or the crack heads you see on some city corners the ones that come up to wash your windows with dirty water and a squeegee. The glazed eyes vacant look and blank stare. Like they only have one thing on their mind to get the plug that is the hottest and buy as many as they can. Some of these dudes sell them on e-bay good for them. One guy today was jumping back and forth while his wife or girlfriend held his place. These are obsessive collectors.
There are others like me that just fish them.

Around 10am the hardcore plug addicts are done and then it seems like the normal folks come in. You can tell a difference in the clientel. So which are you the hardcore addict gotta have it guy? Or the I buy it and fish it guy?