Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
Go home,return when conditions are right no sense a dead horse. Wasted too much time through the years waiting for them to turn on,

Keep a log and refer to it that's how 10% of the fishermen catch 90% of the fish they are fishermen. Learning spots in an area and what spot produces in certain conditions will make you good. Riding up and down the coast chasing reports ,wastes time,learning and gas because by time you get there its over or hence the slow pick. Scout during the winter it passes the time and can be done with far less gas and time than you wasted during the season. Catching bass is not a CELL PHONE/INTERNET sport it just made allot of people so called bass fisherman. Take away the CELL PHONE/INTERNET and most are clueless. Remember even blind squirrels find an egg corn from time to time.

Great advice. I can also say that if you are fishing and think the fish may be there try some other technique or something like that. This goes for both bait and lure fishing.