Charter Boat Sneak Attack (Kings County)
Based on a citizen complaint alleging poaching and the active facilitation of illegal activity by crew members on
the Sheepshead Bay-based party boat,
Captain Dave
Lt. Fitzpatrick organized a detail. On 11 October 2008,

Region 1 ECO's went undercover on a night fishing trip to make observations of what transpired while the boat
was underway. An ECO, in plainclothes, acted as a lookout on the street and let the uniformed officers,
standing by in the vicinity, know when the boat was approaching the dock. Around midnight, the ECO gave the
signal that the boat was approaching. Lt. Fitzpatrick and Region 2 ECO's proceeded to conduct a surprise full
inspection of the boat as soon as it docked. The detail went off without a hitch, with tickets being issued to the
captain, crew, and passengers of the vessel for violations including possession of undersized striped bass,
mutilating striped bass so that the size could not be determined, and filleting in violation of permit conditions.