This is another thread I have fallen woefully far behind on. I need a few hours to put my notes from seasoned anglers and capts out there. The bulk of this assessment is the general consensus of the best of the best, that I have been fortunate to interview.

I have been noticing a general decline for the last 7-8 years. I've learned my opinion is less important than that of seasoned and veteran anglers, who to me are infinitely more compelling in their statements.

Incredibly, there are some with commercial interests out there, who claim all the material presented here, is nonsense, that the striped bass population is healthier than ever. As I type these words, the same myopic group is creating havoc on several internet sites as they bully and berate anyone who is willing to disagree with that.

In 2014, at least some more people will be willing to listen.
Will try to get back to this soon, hopefully have the latest feedback wrapped up by the Spring run.