Dear Bob,
It is my pleasure to introduce you to the Stripers Forever Release A Breeder Club. The "RBC" is designed to promote the release of breeder sized striped bass - 36 inches and larger. These large fish have millions of eggs and taking the pressure off these fish is key to improving the health of the striped bass fishery.

Anglers who catch a 36 inch fish can register it on the Stripers Forever website by filling out a very brief online form and attaching either a picture of the fish or the name of a witness to the live release. It is essentially an honor system. Participating anglers will get a free certificate by the highly regarded wildlife artist Alan James Robinson, a Release A Breeder Club decal as well as automatic entry into a year end drawing for tackle or guide trip prizes. Guides can also register their angler's catches, and there is a special website section to recognize them for the breeders released on their boat.

The entire program will provide not only fun and recognition for guides and anglers, but more importantly it will conserve valuable breeders, and it will show fishery managers that recreational striper fishing can have tremendous economic and social value without degrading the population of the very creatures needed to sustain the fishery.

Please go to the main page for the RBC on which you will find general description of the program as well as four additional links. These links are as follows: Angler Members, Angler Application, Guide/Captain Members, Guide/Captain Application.

Let's set an example for other anglers and for our fishery managers by releasing the large breeding striped bass. It will take only a few seconds work on your part, but it will do a lot for the striper and for their future management. On top of this it will be fun, and guides and anglers alike will be recognized for their contributions.

So, if you catch a breeder of 36 inches or more let's get it registered!
If you are a striper guide, let's get you set up on the program! During the fishing year to come Stripers Forever will promote the program frequently. We need you to make it successful. Your fishing prowess will get some recognition, and you'll be doing a lot to protect these great fish.

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing your name on the membership rolls of the Release A Breeder Club.
Brad Burns President, Stripers Forever

P.S. Stripers Forever benefits greatly from the strong conservation commitment of its broad volunteer base. To make the RBC possible new website pages were developed pro bono, artwork was donated, and the head of a Manhattan mergers and acquisition firm raised money allowing the RBC to be free to our members and guide supporters. I hope that everyone will get behind this important effort to save the lives of large, breeding striped bass.

[COLOR=#000000 !important] Stripers Forever, P O Box 2781, South Portland, ME 04116-2781, USA