Just a quick note:

Our bills are beginning to move in the assembly and senate. Please call your legislators and ask them to support the bills and request that they have them posted for a vote (brought up for a vote.)

Here are the assembly bills. Contact your assemblyperson:

Establishes Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs Program in DEP and appropriates $200,000 from Drug Enforcement and Demand Reduction Fund.

Authorizes deer hunting with bow and arrow on Sundays.

Changes perimeter for Bow and arrow hunting around occupied building.

Prohibits the use of certain fishing gear on artificial Reefs.

Proposes constitutional amendment to preserve right of people to fish, hunt, trap and harvest fish and wildlife.

Here are the companion senate bills. Contact your senator:

Establishes the Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs Program in the DEP and appropriates $200,000.

Prohibits the use of certain fishing gear on artificial reefs.

Authorizes deer hunting with bow and arrow on Sundays.

Changes perimeter for Bow and arrow hunting around occupied building.

Proposed constitutional amendment to preserve right of people to hunt, fish and harvest game subject to certain regulations.

The NJOA, UBNJ, TA, JCAA, NJSFSC, RFA, ReefRescue and others have gone to Trenton to speak on behalf of these bills. They need your support by contacting your assemblyperson and senator. You may find them at the following link:


Contact them and provide them with the bill number and ask them to vote for the bills and request that they have them posted for a vote.
