Dear Bob,
On Tuesday May 13 the Atlantic States Marine Fishery Commission will meet to discuss options to reduce the harvest of striped bass for 2015. Those proposed changes will then be taken to public hearing later in the year. If you go to your State Info Page on our website you will easily find your three state ASMFC commissioners. If you want them to vote for strong conservation measures for striped bass contact them and tell them so. They will be very interested in your opinion.
Stripers Forever submitted written comments (which you can read at this link) to each ASMFC commissioner, and we will be following the results of the meeting closely. As it usually always happens, most recreational groups are asking for a substantial reduction in the catch while commercial interests want the smallest cut - if any - that they can get away with. Additionally, there will be attempts to stall this reduction until 2016.
The decline in the striped bass population is clear to anyone who spends time on the water and the time for action is now.
Brad Burns President, Stripers Forever
P.S. If you haven't done so please check out the release a breeder club on the Stripers Forever website!

Stripers Forever, a non-profit, internet-based conservation organization, seeks game fish status for wild striped bass on the Atlantic Coast in order to significantly reduce striper mortality, to provide optimum and sustainable public fishing opportunities for anglers from Maine to North Carolina, and to secure the greatest socio-economic value possible from the fishery.

Stripers Forever PO Box 2781 South Portland, ME 04116-2781

[COLOR=#000000 !important] Stripers Forever, P O Box 2781, South Portland, ME 04116-2781, USA

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