^(This is a rhetorical question....)
I can't answer that....and you shouldn't try to answer it either....
But for those of us who know how and where fish generally move during the season...it was puzzling.....
And brought up to me,. as something folks here might talk about...

What I would like to do here....raising awareness.....
1. Have folks here relate what they would do, and wouldn't do...to win a tourney.....

2. Would you bend the rules a bit?

3. Is it really unethical if the tourney rules say fish have to be caught from the "front"...and you happen to know where there a few large....in the back.....is that OK. or not OK?

4. If a tourney specifies "land only" and you know were some big fish gather up.....and can only reach them in a kayak.....is is acceptable to get them in a kayak....and then weigh them in as if you caught them from shore?

These are all ethical issues that could arise....for anyone participating in a tourney....
I would like our members here, to have an adult discussion, on
A. what winning means to you....and how far you would go, just to say you won a tourney....

B. Which of the above questions/instances above, would be acceptable to you....and which would not?

Thanks for reading....and thanks for your opinions.....