I know some of ya's were busting me and monty for fishing so many hours at a time......
I've tried to cut the trip hours down and will try to get out more....but for me.....when there's hope for more than a few fish.....I don't let go of the bite until it's completely dead.....even waiting out the other side of the tide to see if it will start up again.....

So feel free to bust my balls....it's in good fun.
..I don't mind....I'll continue to fish the way I like.....and sleep in the port-a-johns as necessary...

As for Monty.....he only gets out once a week......so it's like the prison doors open for him for a 24 hour furlough...that's all he gets before he has to go back in the dog coop...cat house........whatever.........

Please be kind to him......something's amiss in his brain that brings him back to goog territory regularly.....

Fishing report.....
Fri AM...
Started deep in the night, looking for some bigger bluefish....it appears a lot of them have moved over to the N side of the NY Bight.,....though some did hit the beaches yesterday....

6 hour trip....I fished 7 different locations...all of which have held at least one fish in the last 2 weeks.......not much activity for me at all......
Spent over 2 hours at one place because it was loaded with bunker moving on the tide.......hundreds coming by at a time....threw every artificial I had....out there in the rain and fog...great conditions but not a tap....
(I know....throw a bunker head Rich!..... ...If I had $10 for every pic of a bunker head caught bass sent to me this season, I would be rich..... )

Reluctantly moved around.....
Right at sunrise got rubber chopped by bluefish...the only action for the whole 3 previous hours.

Kept moving.....finally found some limited bluefish activity with larger blues feeding on the bottom....maybe those larger shrimp that have been around....
We had about a good half hour of steady action......managed 7...then it diminished so everyone went home...however the fish were still there, I still continued to pick at them.......averaged 50 casts for every fish....

Ended the morning with 14 bluefish to 9#.......not the sizes we were getting, but nice fight still the same........Bucktail and white seemed to be the most productive for those cloudy conditions.

PM trip
Took Pebbles back to try to get her some....
Had emergency plumbing job, got a late start.....by the time we got there the bite was a slow pick...
We mutually caught our one of the night.

Highlight of the night was running into the Old Farts Fishin Club.....sharing stories of how great the fishing used to be.....and how challenging and inconsistent it is now...still good to see their faces and see everyone in good health.......always a pleasure trading stories....and shooting the breeze.......

Disappointment of the night....despite his grouchiness at not having fished with me in over a year, I invited the OGB up to fish with us......
He was gonna bring his step son.....we really thought he was going to show....some of the old timers were excited that such a character was coming up our way....word got out......the OFFC was anticipating him showing his face as well......
And the OGB, (with legitimate reason).....was a no-show again!

The old farts fishin club were so disappointed.....as they have never met the OGB...were looking forward to it....Had travelled 75 miles just to meet one of NJ's most legendary surfcasters......
Well, they caught some fish,.....shared some laughs...ball busting....good time was had....
Next time maybe Fin will be part of the laughs......