I fished yesterday again and still no luck finding the elusive croaker. Its almost ironic because last year I felt like it was too hard to fish the bay for fluke because the croakers were like piranhas getting to the gulp before the fluke ever got a chance to see it.

I cast net some peanut bunker and snappers in the morning.

I fished two rods side by side most of the day. On the first rod I put a live or dead peanut bunker and placed it in the rod holder and let the wind and current drift me around.

On the second rod I fished gulp by casting it and jigging it back to the kayak.

Yesterdays results was all shorts on both the gulp and peanuts.

The gulp caught me a lot of tiny fluke all the way down to 6" or so and nothing over 15".

The peanut bunker caught less fish but they averaged out to a larger size up to 17.5".

The bad news is the dogfish have invaded the RB and really love live peanuts. My friend snapped his light fluke rod when a 5ft doggie tried to run under his kayak.