This guy got rescued last Tue. My friend was working there and saw the rescue. Glad to see he turned out all right. Be safe fellas.

A kayaker was rescued off of Port Monmouth after his boat capsized on Tuesday, authorities said.The man told authorities he was unable to swim to shore because of a severe leg cramp and used his cell phone to call 9-1-1, according to the United States Coast Guard.
Coast Guard rescue crews from Sandy Hook responded and found the man, who was wearing a lifejacket, clinging to his kayak and threw him a heaving line, a news release said.
?It was a really good thing that he was wearing his lifejacket and stayed with his kayak, which was bright orange and a larger object for us to be able to locate,? Petty Officer 2nd Class David Snyder said in the release.
The rescue crews determined the man did not need medical attention and took him to Atlantic Highlands, the release said.
?He had attempted to swim back to shore but got a sever leg cramp, so he was extraordinarily grateful once we got him onboard and made sure he was okay,? Snyder said.