What happened to NJ in the summer. Does everyone only fish for fluke and stop fishing for other species? I was searching the internet forums trying to get a feel for what is being caught from the shore now. I am coming down to Beach Haven with my wife to visit the in-laws next week. I did a quick search to see what some catches were. Some of what I found -
Stripers are a Waste of time. Don't even bother. You may see some small bluefish but no stripers this time of year. They are here in April/May.
We're in the summer doldrums the big gators are north and all that's left is chicken blues max 3 lbs. Come september the bigguns should be appearing again.
These seemed to be from fishermen who sound like they know what they are doing. I have read the last few pages of this thread and see that you folks are still catching stripers, bigger blues, and croakers. Are you all fishing different water or is the Jersey Coast markedly different than I remember when I used to live there? I am not looking for spots. Just trying to figure out how you are still catching fish other than fluke and others are not. Trying to get a sense of what I might expect to catch fishing the beaches and bulkheads of Long Beach Island at night. If you don't want to answer here that is all right you can e-mail or pm me. Thank you kindly.