Last night I went to shark river inlet to watch the water go out. The herring must have been thick because I saw a lot of dark circles under the bridge lights. I had heard about them being around but I thought it was just BS. sure enough they were there. What I didn't expect was the other blobs that were shadowing them. In the shadow lines of the bridge as I walked from one side to the other I could see these big shapes that looked like submerged logs. I immediately thought they could be bass. The water is too cold for bass though. What were these log like creatures doing sitting at the edge of the shadow line on the beginning of the outgoing tide?
I soon had an answer when the tide picked up and the herring started to move. About every 5 minutes you would hear a CRASH and then one of these logs would break water as it snatched a herring. I sat there with my mouth open for a good 10 minutes, and then ran to my truck to get my rod.