^Thanks for the kind words. I try to pay attention to market tends. I think I succeeded with this project....finally finished.

Although the rent is not the highest in the market..... There was still over a 15% revenue gain with the modernization. The ad was so good it generated calls weeks after it had been taken down. People came out of the woodwork saying how much they wanted to live there.

A friend helped..... we turned that project into one that still is a little retro, with everything a modern tenant would want. Many updates and upgrades that make for convenient living.
Key things.....
1. Location.....as always, is a good and desired location.
Everything else flows from there.
2. Tenant Feedback - ask potential tenants what features they are most looking for, and try to deliver when you see a pattern in the responses.

I'll try to post some pics and explanations as I get more time.