I'm fishing them more now. And plan on fishing them a real lot in 2016.
I fish the Super Strike most, but throw some wood darters occasionally, with the exception of the Big Fischer Mega Darter below, I have not hooked up with the wood darters. Super Strike action last fall was good for me. Its amazing when I get some confidence in a plug, results are much better. Years of throwing the Super Strike Darter and nothing. Then in 2014 a few fish and in 2015 a few more and it becomes one of my most reliable plugs. Even got a feel for it in water with little current, and a few bass there.

This Big Fischer Darter gave me my best hour fishing. Found some fish in a rip and it hooked me up into 4 bass (including a new PB at 40 inches and with some weight). The 4th fish I lost and it felt bigger than the 40 inch bass.